Looking back, what would you say about the tragedy lived by the Haitian people? It was said that a curse is hanging over them. |
Don’t speak of a curse. The Haitian does not have to pay for anything. The earthquake could have happened in other parts of the world. The Haitian people will live. It will recover. |
During the first few days, before the arrival of the international help, it was the Haitians who were acting, they were on the spot. Thanks to the most modest people who demonstrated their solidarity, Port-au-Prince came back to life when those who were much better off did not show up to help. |
The great prison of Port-au-Prince opened up during the earthquake. Thousands of prisoners have been liberated. I feel glad for them, they have a second chance. |
I hope in future that the buildings in Haiti will respect the anti-seismic rules like in Japan and that a seismology observatory will be created to detect the early signs of an earthquake. |
In Paris, the Haitian workers without documents wrote to the Ministry in charge of immigration: “ You should regularize all the Haitians without documents”. It will be the honour of France to do it. |
Pope Benedict XVI visited the great Synagogue of Roma. It is rather annoying! In regards to a possible beatification of Pius XII. What do you think about the dialogue Judeo-Christian? |
After the historic visit of John-Paul II at the Synagogue of Roma in 1986, Benedict XVI was following his path, however the re-examination of the beatification of Pius XII confuses the issue. Some rabbis boycotted the papal visit. |
Pius XII was certainly aware of the immense drama of the Jews. But he stayed silent. As a good diplomat, he did not launch an angry call, he did not call to resistance, and he did not preach the revolt of the consciences. If the Pope had spoken he would have opened the eyes of many, Catholics or not, and above all he would have saved tens of thousand Jews. |
I cannot understand why the recent popes have to be beatified? Is it to re-enforce the power of the roman institution? To make a little more sacred the popes? It is not a good sign. |
Beside these hazards, the Judeo-Christian dialogue will continue because the ordinary people encourage it and it has become necessary. |
There is not a week without hearing about persecuted Christians. We remember the bloody Christmas of the Copts in Egypt. How do you react? |
The list of the countries where the Christians are persecuted is very long. Malaysia, Philippines, Algeria, Iraq, India, Viet Nam…. It is almost all over the planet that the Christian religion is persecuted. In seeing the precarious conditions of the Christian minorities, we cannot stay silent. |
In the Middle East, especially in Palestine, the Christians are not in great number, they feel isolated and abandoned. We have a duty of solidarity towards them. In our countries the Christians can freely get together, we should not forget those who do not benefit of this freedom. I would appreciate to hear some Moslem officials defending the unfairly persecuted Christians. |