The courage of women. |
On Christmas Eve, 2009, when a procession of dignitaries was making its way, mitre ahead, laces and brocades, crosier… an “unbalanced” woman jumped quickly over a barrier, grabbed Benedict XVI, fell with him and with him others in the procession, entangled in their ornaments, collapsed like a deck of cards. Is not it a sign for us? |
Jesus denounced Scribes and Pharisees who were wearing phylacteries and fringes well visible to show how pious they were (Mathew 23, 1-7). He blamed them for liking to be seated on the uppermost rooms in the synagogues and at feasts, and to be called “Rabbi” in public. This status of “master” prompted them to” bind heavy burdens and lay them on men’s shoulders, but they, themselves, will not move them with one of their fingers” It is all that we saw symbolically collapsing this Christmas Eve, and thanks to a woman: the taste for ceremonial and wealth, for laying down moral rules that many cannot follow, for possessing the truth…. Probably this woman did not want to aggress the pope, perhaps she wanted only to come close to him, however it was followed by a regretful rush that has made a wounded. |
Can we not say that Jesus let some women to “rush” him, not physically for sure, but they also, in a certain way, disturbed the established order? Their intervention and their daring has raised criticisms from Jesus’ disciples who were likely considering them as “unbalanced”. |
A woman with a flux of menses blood elbowed her way through the crowd surrounding Jesus with the idea to just touch his garment on his back hoping to be cured. But Jesus turned round: Who touched me? No reproach, just the confirmation of her healing, that gave back her place in the society when her previous illness was putting her in a status of legal impurity (Mark 5, 25-34). |
And the woman known to be a prostitute as reported by Luke (7, 36-50). She dared to force the usages in entering into the Pharisee’s house where Jesus was invited, and in the middle of the meal, spread on Jesus’ feet tears and perfume. Jesus forgave her faults and sent her back in peace. |
Jesus has allowed some women to change his projects. Thanks to the Samaritan women, whose complicated sentimental life with 5 husbands was not really well balanced, Jesus unveiled that the new relationship with God, in spirit and in truth, that he was introducing, is opened to every body, men and women, including those having religious practices different from the established ones. The Samaritans were worshiping God on Garizim Mountain not at Jerusalem, but both of these holy places are now out of date (Jean 4, 1-42). The disciples were surprised to see him speaking to her, which was contrary to the usages. Nevertheless, following this woman, many Samaritans recognized Jesus as the savour of the world. |
And also it is a woman of Canaan (Mathew 15,21-28) who forced Jesus to expand his project that he thought limited to the children of Israel. She demanded the cure of her daughter: “ she was chasing after us, screaming” the disciples were complaining. However Jesus answered back: “ It is not right to take the bread for children and throw it to dogs” Without being disturbed by these harsh words, she answered: “True the dogs eat the crumbs which fall from the masters’ table”. Jesus in admiration gave her what she was demanding and he became aware of the universality of his mission. |
Pure assumption! If this woman, object of a roman “news in brief”, wanted to approach the pope to demand a just position for women in the Church, even their ordination, sure she would have been seen as an “unbalanced” by the institution-holders. |
Whatever was the reasons of this woman for sowing disorder among the well ordered procession for Christmas, she will be quickly forgotten, like the foolish action of Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, who poured a precious perfume on Jesus, a short while before his death and under the indignation of his disciples. However Jesus said about her: “everywhere in the whole world, what she has done will be spoken for a memorial of her” (Mark 14, 3-9). Does any body still speak about her? |