What do you think about the reinstatement of fundamentalist bishops? |
The Pope broke the excommunication of these four bishops. It is a first step towards a future reinstatement if they ever fulfil the necessary requirements. |
This decision from Rome is a disaster: one of the bishops is a revisionist. It is unthinkable that the Pope did not know. It is a blow for our Jewish brothers and for the Judeo-Christian dialogue. It is also ignoring the silent schism of the Catholics who continue to leave the Church. What a bad image for the Catholic Church! Many Christians are upset and cannot understand such an appalling decision. |
What should the reaction of the Pope to the revisionist remarks of Mgr. Williamson have been? |
He should have reacted at once and not waited ten days! Mostly he should have said: “ I made a mistake. Even being a pope I did a serious mistake” Like Obama did for the nominations that he should not have done. He should have heartily taken care of the trouble and the stupefaction among the Christians and the Jews. |
Not to say: ”Now it is over, don’t speak about it” Nothing is over. The damage is done. On the contrary it is the moment to speak out and act. |
You have been seen recently defending by your presence Yvan Colonna during his trial for the assassination of the Prefect of Corsica. Is it the place for a bishop? |
When I visit Yvan in prison, it is my place to visit him, when I go to the tribunal where Yvan is facing his judges; it is also my place to be there. It is the same solidarity to being close to somebody who has problems wherever the place is. |
When Yvan enters the courtroom, he looks around, looks at every body who supports him. Their presence gives him the courage to stand up. |
Interview by Olivier Galzi |