• In secondary school and being a militant at the age of 17! |
• The Shepherd from Cargese |
• A word that destroyed a man |
• Ocalan, my brother |
In secondary school and being a militant at the age of 17! |
In a city of the Parisian area, Baptiste and Vincent invited themselves one evening to the city council meeting. As citizens, they have the right to attend.
These two young students asked the mayor what he intended to do for families having no accommodation. Their intervention created disorder and trouble. The mayor was angry, he had them expelled out of the building by the police and charged them about rebellion. |
Baptiste et Vincent were kept under police custody for two days. They were indicted while waiting for their trial. They could go to jail.
I am struck by the disproportion between the facts and the police operation. One should be able to express his opinions even at 17 years old!
The young are not well seen by the French society. Many have no future. Our leaders are afraid of them. Their method is repression. But repression does not solve anything. |
The trial was held. In front of the gate of the court, we were many standing under the rain and the bitter wind. Secondary school students held a large banner: « Release Baptiste and Vincent. Solidarity with them. ». I admire the presence of all these young students, the teachers, the militants and their families...I took pleasure being with them. They were happy to talk to me. |
Suddenly, a militant probably in his thirties came up to me. He said to me: « I once contacted you when you were in Evreux. I was in a Catholic school. Those who wanted to be confirmed were invited to write to the bishop. I wrote to you to tell you I did not want to be confirmed. You answered me: « do what you want».
The fences were finally opened. We listened carefully. The public prosecutor requested an educational sentence and the defendants' lawyer 2000 Euros.
Judgment is for deliberation. |
The Shepherd from Cargese |
Cargese is a port in Corsica, surrounded by mountains, with a historic past. It is also the home land of Yvan the shepherd. Last year, he received a life sentence for the murder of the Prefect of Corsica in 1998.
This sentence was an extreme shock for his family, his many friends and his support committee had collected 45,000 signatures.
This year, the Special Assize Court of Paris, composed of nine professional magistrates, was opening the trial in appeal and will judge this shepherd who has always claimed his innocence. « I am a patriot of Corsica. I have not killed the Prefect of Corsica and neither any body else. »
It is the last trial. A trial that should last five weeks!
I am sitting next to Yvan's family: his father, his sister and his brother, and next to us are his 5 lawyers.
In the first trial, no material evidence had been retained against him. He had been sentenced with no evidence. |
On many occasions, I have visited him in jail. We correspond regularly. I appreciate his great humanity and the way he conducts himself in prison.
This long trial will be physically and psychologically hard for him, but he will fight. He is a man of honour. |
I am still convinced of his innocence. What he is accused of does not correspond to what he is.
But let us stay clear-headed and realistic. Yvan's sister said in front of the media:
« The State will do what it can to crush Yvan. » |
A word that destroyed a man |
Christophe was married and the chief of the city police. Until one day on September 2001, where everything was turned upside down. He was called to appear at the town hall and the mayor asked him: « are you gay? »
Christophe did not expect this question in front of other people. By saying yes, it was the coming out of his homosexuality. He was accused of misappropriation of public funds and suspected of pedophilia. |
His whole life collapsed. It was the beginning of his descent into hell: police custody, indictment and judicial control. His wife asked him for a divorce.
Christophe was separated from his child; he lost his job, his house and was put into the street. After suicidal attempts, he was interned in a psychiatric hospital.
One day, he found a job as a security guard for a building. It is an opportunity to start over. After six years of judicial proceedings, he was discharged for lack of evidence. Christophe was exonerated of any blame. He last saw his child at 6 months old. He was reunited with him when he was seven years of age!
Christophe demanded compensation for the injustice made upon him and reintegration in the administration. Nothing happened. It was like facing a wall. |
I gave my support to Christophe who was fighting on and will not quit. He will go on to the end. I admire his courage to bounce back and fight on.
He created a support committee, wrote a book « Calumny », created an association to fight homophobia in a working environment. He caught the attention of the media. The theatre got hold of his story.
Christophe is not alone anymore. His case becomes a symbol. If he wins, it will be a victory for all homosexuals (men and women) that are victims of discrimination in a working environment. |
Ocalan, my brother |
For the 10 years of imprisonment of the Kurdish leader Ocalan, a gathering of 30,000 Kurds was held in Strasbourg. |
Beginning of the speech of Jacques Gaillot in Strasbourg: |
"Ocalan, my brother, |
You are the one that assembles us today.
Who else, apart from you, could assemble us?
It is for you that we are here.
10 years! Š10 years of separation, of sufferings and hardships.
But you have been able to keep your dignity.
Despite the bad treatments, nobody has been able to take your dignity away.
The dignity is part of you. It is yours. |
Ocalan, my brother, |
By thousands and thousands, we have arrived in Strasbourg.
This huge crowd has come to show you its affection.
Many arms raise up your picture that is familiar to us.
When your name was pronounced, there was a flame in their hearts and a large shout can be heard.
The rumblings of your people with a rebellious dignity will cover the Isle of Imrali,
And our chants of victory will pass through the thick wall of your jail. |
10 years! 10 years of waiting, of fights, of meetings.
Time has not been able to erase our memory.
The young children have only known of you in prison.
But your face is familiar to them and your name is on all their lips.
They have a dream of seeing you released one day. |
Ocalan, my brother,
We have not forgotten you.
You are part of our soul and of our flesh.
You are in our hearts.
If you are not well treated, we are hurt.
If you are humiliated, we suffer with you.
If you are threatened, we are afraid for you.
Your terrible solitude is intolerable for us." |