Peter’s confession and the first announcement of the passion: |
Mark 8, 27-35 |
Jesus was venturing into a pagan country, Caesarea Philippi: “On the way” he questioned his disciples. His words came from a man in search. “Who am I for the people"? |
It is a question for us. What is said about Jesus in our family? In our work place? What do the children, the sick say? Perhaps they never speak about him. He is nonexistent. |
Sometimes we are surprised to hear of Jesus in some unexpected places. This is what is happening with some declared atheists or those of another religion. And also the media. There are so many books published about Jesus! They can bring us some light about Jesus that we do not have. |
A non-believer professor once told me: ” I don’t trust the “credo” that tells us what to believe. I would rather read the beautiful message of the beatitudes where Jesus is proposing some thing that makes you live”. I received these words as profession of faith. |
A tramp who was living on the streets offered me a crucifix that he had made from wire: ”Take it I made it for you” This gift tells me something about Jesus. This crucifix is still above my bed. It is precious to me. |
Jesus raised a second question to his disciples: “Who am I for you?” Peter identified Jesus by giving him for the first time the name of Messiah, a name announced in the Scriptures, by the prophets: "You are the Messiah”. This confession of faith was an event for Jesus. It is a turning point in his life and for his predication. From now on Jesus will prepare his disciples for what is going to happen. He will suffer a lot, he will be rejected and killed. But on the third day he will be resurrected. For Peter, it will be despair for him, his future is doomed. He was expecting a liberating Messiah for his people, victorious of the Romans, a Messiah who triumphs against his enemies. But it is the entire contrary. |
Jesus made understand to his disciples that they have to follow him wherever he goes and whatever he does. Not like they would like to imagine him. They will experience all the inconveniences and difficulties to follow Jesus. However they had the joy to be with whom they love! And to have the passion to accomplish this adventure with him! |