The Visitation: |
Luke 1, 36-56 |
Following the Annunciation (the moment when an angel asked Mary if she would accept to have a child), Mary left Nazareth. She went quickly to a town in Judea Mountains to visit her cousin Elizabeth who was six-month pregnant to help her. She was taken by a surge of full joy. The Visitation appears as the follow-up of the “Yes” pronounced in Nazareth. |
Mary was carrying a secret that rejoiced her heart greatly. Would she be able to share it with her elder cousin? What could she unveil from her secret? What is it not first a secret of God? More, Mary did not know yet the relationship between the child she was expecting and the one of Elizabeth. Anyway, she rapidly went to her with a heart full of joy. |
In a visitation, we go out of our home to meet the others. We leave our house to live in someone else’s house. It is both an adventure and an inconvenience: we have to be accepted as we are, whatever our story is, whatever our age, our understanding of God and our way of living and thinking. It is the whole of a person that is presented to the welcome of another. |
To accept to be welcomed is more difficult than welcoming another person. Coming from anywhere, you can be seen as a danger. Being exposed to the welcome of someone else, we can encounter a rejection. The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth is the mystery of the hospitality. |
The moment of their meeting was a determining factor for both of them. They knew that some thing was happening inside themselves that was beyond their understanding and they started an astonishing dialogue, they did not speak about themselves. During their verbal exchange they discovered what their mission would be. They understood more about the announcement that they received. They expressed their joy to have been chosen by God to participate in a marvellous event which is beyond them. |
Elizabeth expressed her happiness and Mary sang her life for God in the Magnificat. |
When we visit others, it is also like to be visited by them. We discover that they also open to us as we do for them. The reason is because all are visited by the Spirit of God. We should not be afraid to encounter the others it will help us to better our view of them. We understand better the values that animate them. We give and we receive. It is the case of a dialogue between different religions. |
In our days the dialogue with Islam like with the other religions is essential to mutually improve our beliefs. It is a long and difficult route; it necessitates humbleness and confidence. Like in the Visitation, it will be a mutual enrichment of our beliefs. |