The dried up fig tree |
(Mark, 11, 12-26) |
Walking from Bethany with his disciples Jesus felt hungry. Seeing a fig tree at a distance he went to find some figs. When he arrived he found only leaves for it was not the season for the figs. Then he said to the fig tree: “Nobody will ever eat fruits from you again!” (Mark, 11, 12-14). |
The text is then followed by the episode of the Temple from where the shopkeepers were thrown out by an astonishing angry Jesus. This is immediately followed by a return to the fig tree. The next morning when passing by, they saw the fig tree dried up to the roots. Peter, remembering what has happened, said to Jesus ”Look, Rabbi, the fig tree that you cursed has dried out” And Jesus declared “Have faith in God” (Mark 11, 20-22).
In fact the story of the fig tree was both an introduction and a conclusion for the episode of the Temple. The symbol is given; Jesus knew that it was not the fig season but his impatience was great and his wrath was beginning to show. |
The fig tree presents its beautiful leaves like the Temple its magnificent building stones, but behind the appearances, there is nothing. The fig tree has no fruit and the Temple is no more than a place for business where money triumphs. It is no more a place for prayers. The words of Jesus recall all the critics made in the past by the prophets about the Temple. |
Religion has become corrupted; only left is a superficial practice linked to money, with the great priests ruling over the people. For all times, there will be merchants of the temple. |
I remember, in Rome, in a religious community, in the centre of the cloister there was a fountain from which water was running with a pleasant sound. As it was very hot, I came close to it to drink. But a notice stopped my impetus: “Not drinkable water”
How can we forget Francis of Assize and his desire to purify the Temple like Jesus did. It was in the thirteen century, Francis worked on renewing the Church to let it re-discover simplicity, renouncement, poverty. However after his death, people hurried to build a magnificent church at Assize.
Jesus asked his disciples to have confidence in God. After the events of Easter, they understood that the true Temple was the Christ resurrected and that the heart of a human being was the sanctuary of his presence. |
“Have trust in God” It is in this way that we will be able to fructify in all seasons without being abused by appearances or to limit ourselves to practices purely exterior.
Everywhere and in places the most precarious and among circumstances the most surprising, God will continue to make great things. |