• For a world without nuclear plants |
• A free woman |
• Fireworks |
• Each human life has its value |
For a world without nuclear plants |
A gathering was held in Paris, place de la République. I met with pleasure militants who came from different regions of France, with banners, pamphlets, facemasks… Posters often refer to nuclear waste. We do not know where to put them. Nobody wants them. We dust them under the carpet.
The atmosphere is relaxed. I am surprised by the young age of the militants. No doubt, the younger generation is more aware than the others of the necessity of a world without nuclear plants. |
I consoled myself with what I saw and I read:
«The nuclear is nor clean nor renewable.
It represents a grave risk for the present and future generations.
The sale of nuclear reactors, moreover, to dictators like M. Kowhai, puts the environment in danger and the survival of the planet. Let us not build new nuclear reactors in France like elsewhere in the world. People never want nuclear, it is the management that wants nuclear. » |
Inquiries show that more than 90% of people ask for massive renewable energies. Facing the climate changes, the nuclear is a dangerous illusion. |
A free woman |
When I saw Ingrid Betancourt on television, I was stricken by her liberty. An interior liberty that gave to her words a note of authenticity and deepness. Saying the truth is rare. |
Her first words were her thanks. Thanks to God. Thanks to her liberators, to her family, her friends and everyone who had supported her: « I love you, you are with me, in my blood, I am yours.» |
In face of the worst treatments and daily humiliations, Ingrid Betancourt had not given away to resentment or hatred in front of her kidnappers or oppressors. She blessed them, showing she was capable of surmounting the bad by the good. « Blessing someone that is so bad with you can but help you grow. »
Her liberty of words was remarkable. Without appearance of fatigue, the ancient hostage was answering untiringly to all questions, in expressing without beating about the bush the emotions and thoughts of her heart. We were all under her charm. |
Ingrid does not forget those who stayed behind in the jungle. Il will be her combat until the liberation of the last hostage.
Her liberty is contagious. Liberties always create other liberties. |
Fireworks |
On the night of the 14 of July, France's National Day, I went to the "place du Panthéon". The day was falling softly to a close. A summer night where it was good to be outside.
Many young people were already there, seated directly on the pavement of the square. To stay standing seemed to be the best option for me. From all over, groups were swarming in to see the famous and traditional fireworks. All the eyes were naturally turned toward the illuminated Eiffel Tower standing tall at a far. The fireworks will take place near there. |
It was almost 11 p.m. All of a sudden, the Eiffel Tower became black. Everyone was holding his breath. The show was going to start. As the sky lit up in the sky, the crowd rose to get a better view. The children were perched on their father's shoulder.
The Eiffel Tower started to sparkle: shouts of admiration. The sky fired up in different colors; again shouts of admiration. How popular the fireworks are! The crowd is happy to be there and to vibrate with the magic of the lights. |
As it was late, I decided to go home.
I left the crowd having their eyes raised to the sky. They were all turned toward the celestial signs to watch the wonderful spectacle. |
Each human life has its value |
On the same day when the announcement of the liberation of Ingrid Betancourt raised lots of enthusiasm, there was a gathering "place du Palais Royal" in Paris in favour of Marina Petrella, ex Italian terrorist, a refugee in France and in jail for the last two years. |
After the successive refusals of release on bail and after being threatened of extradition in Italy, Marina fell in a severe depression and was placed in an isolated psychiatric room.
With other Italians terrorists, she benefited from the welcome made by France. At that time, President Mitterrand committed himself not to send the Italian refugees back to their country if they renounced to violence.
Thus, Marina was able to lead a normal life in France, living with her companion and her two children and working as a social assistant. Everything went well until the day when the Italian government asked for the extradition of former terrorists like Marina. Renouncing the given word that made honour to France, the French authorities accepted. |
On the "place du Palais Royal", I was next to Marina's companion, who has become a friend. Speaking when it came my turn, I addressed the people gathered: « Today, we are celebrating the liberation of Columbian hostages, in particular that of Ingrid Betancourt. But we are here for Marina who is not going well. Her life is in danger. Each human life has its value. » |
A young man came up to me and said: « Please accept that a non-believer, a libertarian, gives a handshake to a believer.» I accepted with no difficulty… |