• The first of May March |
• The annual ecumenical assembly |
• Having a holiday, a great opportunity to grow up |
• The Movement for Peace |
The first of May March |
On the "Place de la République", in Paris, the crowd came from everywhere. Thousands of workers with no official documents came out from hiding and went to the front of the procession where they were greeted with applause. For once, they felt recognized. We found that many of them have been on the payroll, have paid taxes and health insurance. And that has been going on for 5, 7, and 10 years or more. Why have they not been regularized? |
When I walk early in the morning on the streets of Paris, I see coloured peopled picking up the garbage and cleaning the sidewalks. Fortunately, we have them!
The Government knows there is a lack of manpower in building trade, restaurants, cleaning, security services and so on. |
The Prefectures have already made a breach by regularizing those who were working in a famous restaurant. In the suburbs, where 20 workers in a restaurant have been on strike for three weeks, 19 of them have been regularized. It is a success, the fight continues for the regularization of the 20th worker. A breech of hope is growing every day. Thousands of workers with no official documents are rushing into this breech. |
It has to be said that they work hard and send money to feed their family left in their native countries. Some Senegalese said to me: « Each of us, we send 50 Euros each month. This sum can nourish our family for one month. » This solidarity is more and more necessary.
This first of May March is really a celebration. Music, slogans, speeches expel the fear. When thousands of people with no official documents are gathered, hope keeps them going on. |
The annual ecumenical assembly |
The assembly was held in Switzerland, 40 km from Zurich. Catholics and Protestants gathered for an annual ecumenical celebration in a Catholic church. The weather was wonderful. The music and the choirs were an enchantment. |
I was invited to speak and to preside the Holy Communion. In the choir, a woman ordained was standing close by. |
The atmosphere in the assembly impressed me: right away, there was a feeling of equality between every one. Without ceremony, one human being was talking to another human being beyond the masks, the titles, and the responsibilities. Experience shows that it is not possible to testify for the Gospel in a relationship from a superior to an inferior. In human relationships when the contact is made between equal persons and in a true manner, then the Gospel has a chance to be announced. This is what had happened in this annual assembly. |
It is undeniable that the exchange following the question period showed an opening to the world. |
I was saying to myself: ' here are Christians turned towards others, passionate about justice and peace. But what particularly struck me is this will to live in a world with no discrimination. They have a concern for equality between humans. Equality of rights. Refusal of domination. Catholics and Protestants want to show solidarity and stir up human issues. What an encouraging sign! |
Having a holiday, a great opportunity to grow up |
One child out of three is not able to take holidays and it is the same for his/her parents. On the occasion of the long weekend of the Ascension, the charity organization, ''Secours populaire'' had organized a discovery trip for 40 families of Ile-de-France to go to Burgundy and 40 families of Burgundy to come to Ile-de-France. |
The meeting point was held under a large white tent at the "Gare de Lyon" train station in the centre of Paris. The departure of the train was scheduled for 1 p.m. but some families had arrived as early as 9 a.m. because they did not want to miss this big event! The children were delighted. I took pleasure in watching them. How poor these families were and their words so true! |
« It is hard to see your kids only watching TV or hanging around the streets; I am sad not to see them going in holidays like the others. » |
«I would like to go everywhere that is possible. The important thing is to go somewhere else. No matter the time or the place. » |
« I have never taken a holiday with my son who is two and half years old. Because I do not earn enough money. I would like him to experience something else then my humdrum life.» |
During 4 days, these families will discover the wonders of Burgundy, and make new contacts of solidarity. But the train is at the platform station and the time for departure has come. What a spectacle! |
And now 40 families from Burgundy were arriving in Paris and were magnificently welcomed by the ''Secours populaire''. |
This exchange of families brings happiness. So many pictures taken! How many relationships will be created! I left the train station and I was delighted of this shared happiness. |
The Movement for Peace |
The annual meeting was held in Paris in the large hall of the National Assembly. I was delighted to meet the delegates coming from all regions of France. They all have a desire for peace. |
How not to protest strongly against the stockpiling of weapons on the planet! Each year, 1,200 billions dollars are spent in the world on weaponry! And there is a constant increase of budgets for the military. The new Treaty of Lisbon asks that each country of the European Union increases its military power. Nuclear arms are being modernized. Great Britain and France have the capacity to destroy the entire planet. There are in Europe 6 American bases stocking 480 nuclear heads. |
I like to hear repeated that nuclear weapons do not provide peace, that there is no military solution to the problems of the world. But in France, we are launching a new nuclear submarine and we are getting ready to send a reinforcement of 700 soldiers in Afghanistan for a war of civilisation! To finance such projects, the government always finds the necessary money. |
These women and men of the Movement for Peace do not lack breath or courage to build a Europe of peace and solidarity. They are engaged in major projects for a peaceful resolution of conflicts, for nuclear disarmament, sustainable development and for the defence of human rights. Peace is possible. |