The transfiguration of Jesus in the Gospel according to Mathew 17, 1-9 |
The Catholics commemorate the transfiguration of Jesus in the middle of the summer, on August 6. One cannot prevent from remembering that on August 6, 1945 the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima! A spectacle of apocalypse and death with disfiguration of human being, animals and environment! |
“Jesus took Peter, James and John his brother, and bring them up a high mountain. He was transfigured before them, his face was shining like the sun and his clothes were white as the light” |
I remember this middle-aged Jewish woman who spoke in front of her family and friends at the funeral of her husband “ My husband had a lot of faults (and she described several of them!), however he was having a quality that made me forget all his faults: the transparency. He could never hide his feeling and his emotions. He was true. I was reading it in his eyes and in his heart like in a source”
Transparency! It was the experience done by the three apostles. Jesus revealed who he was, irradiating light, full of the presence of God. The man of Nazareth is entirely transformed, enlightened, transfigured by the one he was calling his Father
When I take the public transportation, it often happens that I admire two lovers: their faces are shining, transfigured. Every one feels loved, chosen, and recognized. It is like a light coming from inside. |
Look what is happening to a little child, its visage is enlightened when the mother smiles. The transfiguration comes from the love of the other. |
On the mountain, Jesus felt full of joy to hear: “This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased, listen to him” He quivered of joy, he shined of this agreement. His Father is entirely devoted to him and his Father is every thing to him.
The three apostles will never forget this event. |