The open tomb |
Mark, 16, 2-4 |
In the Gospels, Jesus is presented like some body totally independent of the others. |
He is not dependant on the most natural links like the family.
Luke (2, 42-50) described him as a young boy escaping from his parents to listen to the teaching of the scholars in the Temple. Jesus was surprised at the anguish of his parents:” Why were you searching for me? Did you not know that I have to deal with my Father’s house”?
Later he will confirm his necessary detachment.
“Who cares more for his father or his mother than for me, is not worthy of me (Mathew, 10, 37) and when his mother and his brothers were looking for him, he answered: “ Who is my mother, who are my brothers?” (Mark 3, 31-35) |
Jesus did not let himself be dependant on the Law. On the day of the Shabbat, he plucked heads of grains to feed himself and he healed a sick man (Mathew 12, 1-14). For those concerned he replied” The Son of man is the master of the Shabbat”. In the same way, with authority he said:” You have learned… but I say to you…. (Mathew 5, 21-4.8), and he gave a new light on the Law which is not abolished but is brought to its perfection. |
Even for the natural laws, Jesus showed his independence: the evangelists presented him as calming the storm, walking on the sea, healing instantly the sick and even resurrecting the dead. These miracles were reported to demonstrate that his mastering of the natural laws is nothing compare to his capacity to fight evil and restore people in their dignity.” What is the easiest to say: your sins are forgiven or to say raise up and walk? Then in order to know that the Son of man has the power to remit the sins, I order you, he said to the paralytic, get up, take your bed and go home (Luke 5, 23-26)
This is what he did and people were amazed and said: ” We saw strange things today”. All these miracles, some of which seem also strange for us, are just to prepare ourselves to the most beautiful way of Jesus to be independent: |
He was not depending on death: “God has raised him up (Acts 2, 24). It is why the tomb is open even though the stone was heavy. |
Shall we go even further? He is not depending on our ways to understand his resurrection. No, he is not a ghost, yes he is present but in another way. In order that we did not depend on our sensations, he used to disappear quickly when people recognized him after his resurrection, then he definitely made the choice to stop his appearances putting a break on our imagination: it is the Ascension day! Then, why shall we link him with our dogmas and enclose him in our Churches? |
All these actions of Jesus, outside of our own logic, meant that there is something elsewhere, an ultimo reference, that he called his Father. As the tomb is open, it is open towards something for which we have but only a feeling, and that bears on us like a desire. |