The Passion of Jesus |
(Luke 22, 14-23, 56) |
We have to acknowledge that we are embarrassed by the description of the passion: Jesus is humiliated, rejected and left alone in the hands of those who condemned him to the torture of the cross. How can we understand this appalling ending? Paul, the apostle, was right to speak of the cross as a scandal. Peter is completely overwhelmed by the event. Let us follow his reactions, is not he like each of us? |
With gentleness and affection Jesus tried to prepare him and said: ”Simon, Simon, Satan has demanded to have you that he might sift you like wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail and when you have turned again strengthen your brothers”. Peter said to him: “ Lord I am ready to go with you to jail and to my death” Jesus said then: “I tell you, Peter, the cock will not crow this day, until you three times deny that you know me”.
Fair answer from Peter: “With you I am ready” Perhaps he wants to die for Jesus, like a hero with a sword in his hand? We know that several years later he will show this courage in giving his life for Jesus. |
Arriving on the Mount of Olives, Jesus felt anxiety, helplessness and abandoned. He showed who he is: a poor distressful man. He was not afraid to show his weakness, his fear, his suffering. Peter could not stand to see Jesus in that state. How has he become like that? Jesus, defenceless, was in contradiction with all he was thinking about him. Peter felt lost. Every thing was collapsing around him. He did not know any more who is Jesus. He saw that God had abandoned him when he has always believed that God will intervene to help the just. |
When Peter was sitting by a fire in the courtyard of the Great Priest’s house a maidservant gazed at him and said: “This one was also with him”. He replied: “ No, I don’t know him”
In fact Peter was not recognizing anymore Jesus in the way he had been behaving in the garden of Olives. He could not do any thing for him. He had been mistaken.
At this moment, Jesus turned to Peter and stared at him. This will change every thing.
Peter was experiencing that we often feel ourselves. Shall we not accept to be disorientated and to lose our present comprehension of Jesus in order to find a new way to look at him, possibly to appreciate him more and to feel closer to him? Should we not let Jesus go away, feel sad of his absence, not knowing what is going on and then discover him again like he wants to show himself to us? It is a complete but necessary reversal. |
Peter began to understand that God has not abandoned Jesus. God revealed himself in this man who was subjected to mockery and condemned to suffer torture in the hands of men. The love of God for humanity is shown in the weakness of Jesus depending on the men will.
Peter would have liked to die for Jesus like a brave soldier. He then understood that it is Jesus who is going to die for him. Finally he is going to accept it.
This was a total reversal of his thinking and cast him into tears. |