George Bush came back from a visit to South America. He wants to renew links with this continent that you know well. What do you think of this visit and more generally of the relations between the USA and Latin America?
Since the September 11, 2001 attack, the Latin American continent has the feeling to be forgotten by the US Administration. The visit of the President of the United-States is a sign of a will to change. |
However, when Bush arrived in Columbia, Bogotá has become a dead city. The international airport was closed. Twenty one thousand policemen were mobilized for the security. In Guatemala, an angry crowd burned his effigy. In Argentina, in the Buenos Aires stadium, the association of the “Mothers of the May square” organized a demonstration of the opposition gathering 40 000 people.
George Bush came to visit these countries considered as “friends”. He has been able to measure their anti-Americanism. |
The President did not meet the people, only their leaders. The present policy on immigration and the dominant economy of USA can lead only to conflicting relations. |
Hugo Chavez took advantage to do his own “counter-visit” He has become in the world, one of the symbol of resistance against the “Bushism” Do you share his struggle and his methods? |
Hugo Chavez is the “anti-Bush, the black sheep of Washington. When he starts a crusade in Latin American countries, he is very successful! He is certainly very popular among the poor. When he is pleading for sharing the wealth and is violently denouncing the injustices, he has a lot of courage to apply it. However, his struggle stays ambiguous. |
For instance, Hugo Chavez is right in fighting against the economic sanctions imposed to Cuba by the government of the United States, but he says nothing about the 78 conscience objectors that the Fidel Castro regime has been keeping in prison for years! |
In France, a judiciary action is taken against a Medical doctor and a nurse who helped a patient to die in her terminal phase of cancer. This trial raises the question of euthanasia. What is your position? |
Our sensibility and our suffering are great today when we face the suffering of persons who want to die in dignity. Used to be responsible of their own life and own actions, could not they die as they have lived? |
Medicine can do a lot for reducing pain and the anguish of sick people facing death. It is true that specialized teams for accompanying persons at the end of their life are missing. |
Doctors know that there is no reason to persist in keeping alive some sick persons. However, ending life is not their aim. Forbidding to kill is a service provided by the society .
Transgressing the interdiction of killing could lead to serious risks. Risk of fear: the sick would lose confidence in their doctors; don’t they have the power to give them death! Risk of searching to save money: the sick, in terminal life, cost a lot to society! It is why I am opposed to make euthanasia legal. |
Interview by Olivier Galzi |