• He was called « Moustache » |
• Place de la République (Republic square) |
• Saving the honour and the health of a man |
• Political prisoners in Tunisia |
He was called « Moustache » |
He had taken part in every demonstration. Always in revolt, he was close to people with no official documents and the ill housed. In the world of people in social exclusion, « Moustache », a fighter against injustice, an activist of the Communist party, was well known.
I always saw him « outside », in the streets, on the squares, in the middle of the demonstrators, with his white hair and his heavy moustache. He was not afraid to harangue the armed and helmeted police who stayed impassive in front of him. |
For the first time I met him on his hospital bed affected by a cancer that rapidly got the better of him.
« Moustache » died peacefully. He was not a believer but was close in the heart of the poor. |
In the famous Père Lachaise cemetery, for the farewell ceremony, the world of people with limited means were present: African women from the suburbs with their children, families with no housing, regularized foreigners who remember « Moustache » and many people with no official documents.
Families and friends are invited to the funeral parlour while the crowd stayed outside. Near the coffin, organizers of the Communist party, activists, friends, spoke with emotion. I was invited to speak. I shared with them a thought of hope:
« The one for whom we are gathered has never renounced to others. While fighting all his life against injustice, « Moustache » has had a nice path. He has always held the hand of the poor. There is a way to live and die that does not lead to death ». |
Place de la République (Republic square) |
This famous Parisian square is the usual place of gatherings and the starting point for demonstrations. It is a beloved square in the hearts of the citizens because this is where the people like to claim its rights and liberties. |
Hunting the people with no official documents has become a common practice. The police has organized a raid, on the Republic Square: 21 persons with no official documents have been trapped as they were going to pick up a meal at « Restos du coeur ». (Restaurants “of the heart” offering free food in France)
It is a known fact, unfortunately! that there is no more a protected zone, nor in the churches where people with no official documents seek shelter, nor in the schools where formal education is provided to their children, nor in the hospitals where people are being treated, nor on the Square of the Republic where they are taking their meal. The police enter everywhere. The police make arrests everywhere. |
At any moment, the people with no official documents have fear in their hearts. Children are afraid that their parents will be arrested by the police when they are going to work or are taking the subway. |
A gathering is organized without delay, on the Republic Square to denounce this scandal : at the moment the people with no official documents are taking a modest meal, sometimes the only one of the day for some of them, the police seize this opportunity to arrest them. On the Republic Square! |
Saving the honour and the health of a man |
I arrived in Lyon station. People unknown to me and who had invited me for a visit greeted me with friendship. It is the support committee of a man on hunger strike (51th day). |
The man was a counsellor in education who, in 2003, came in conflict with the high school authorities during a strike of the school supervisors. He objected that the authorities replace the supervisors on strike by senior students. The sanction came quickly : he was transferred to another academy. |
The support committee cried out : « A man who defended injustice with tenacity cannot be pushed continuously to his extreme limits. His dignity of good father is flout. His fight has beeen going on for three years and a half ! » But nothing is strirring. No sign is given. The authorities remain silent. |
The subway took us to the place of the demonstration. In front of the administrative court, there is a great number of people and also a deployment of police. |
The press was also present.
As soon as they saw me, they came to me and asked the same usual question as always : « Why are you there ? »
« I came among you because the honour and the health of a man are at stake. The inhuman treatment of the measures taken against Roland revolt me.
Before things go too far, it is urgent that the authorities come forward. » |
Political prisoners in Tunisia |
A support rally evening was organized in their honour. Tunisians from the Parisian area have gathered in a large hall to honour the courage and determination of these prisoners. An evening full of many emotions.
I was delighted to meet with Adel, a companion of combat, Moncef, inexhaustible in denouncing the Tunisian government, Radia Nasraoui, a famous lawyer in Tunis, always on the go, and many others… |
Families coming especially from Tunisia go to the stage and speak one after the other. The drama of the prisoners is the drama of the families.
A woman talks about her husband who has been in jail for the last two years and a half. As a journalist, he had dared to criticize the politics and the use of torture in his country. |
A father of 77 years old gave news about his son:
« My son has been in jail for eight years and a half. During this period, he has been on hunger strike for 1100 days! I go to the prison every week. It is a long road to get there. On arrival, I have to wait outside two hours, under the summer sun or under the rain and winter wind. I have never missed a visit. But today, I have not seen him for the last six weeks. When I arrive at the prison, I am sent back without any explanations. My son must be seriously sick ».
Choked by emotions, this father stopped to speak.
A woman talked about her brother who has been in jail since he has turned 31 years old. He has been in jail for 15 years. He has been tortured on many occasions.
This woman says that she is not afraid anymore, not of the authorities, nor anyone. Who could stop her from talking? A video shows a prisoner who had been released from prison to die at home with his family. In prison, he had no treatments. He was released when he was close to dying. It is the practice. |
After these testimonies, I am much moved when it was my turn to speak:
« A regime crushing lives and destroying families, is a regime that is afraid and tries to stay in power in every possible way. Tunisia has become a large prison for each person who lifts his head up and defends the liberties and human rights. People are afraid, remain silent and suffer. Until when? » |